Event Logo Image
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Gold Bell Sponsor (8 included) $0.00


A Table -  Eight (8) tickets to the event

Display a pop-up banner at the event -  (location tbd)

Company logo as Gold Bell Sponsor in the event program

Company logo on digital promotional collateral

Company logo featured on auction platform

Verbal acknowledgment during the event

Silver Bell Sponsor (4 included) $0.00


Four (4) tickets to the event

Company logo as Silver Bell Sponsor in the event program

Company logo on digital promotional collateral

Company logo featured on auction platform

Verbal acknowledgment during the event

Bronze Bell Sponsor (2 included) $0.00


Two (2) tickets to the event

Company logo as Bronze Bell Sponsor in the event program

Company logo on digital promotional collateral

Company logo featured on auction platform

Verbal acknowledgment during the event

Sleigh Bell Friend $0.00


Company featured as Sleigh Bell Friend in the event program

Company featured on digital promotional collateral

Company featured on auction platform

Verbal acknowledgment during the event

Registration opens: Thursday, March 28, 2024
Registration closes: Monday, November 4, 2024

I would like to make an additional donation


Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors